Seeing Clearly

“You’ve gone a million miles
How far’d you get?
To that place you can’t remember
And you can’t forget.”
-Bruce Springsteen’s Secret Garden

The meaning of this song seems to be a source of debate. Is he trying to get close to the girl? Is he running away? Is it about sex? Is the underlying message happy or sad?

I think it’s about getting close to someone you care about. The song almost seems to be about a bit of a power struggle. The woman has captured something in his heart, but she won’t fully open up to be with him.

My jewelry often focuses on the theme of love because I truly believe in it. I believe two people are capable of seeing each other clearly and getting past the everyday obstacles that can screw up a relationship. It’s about keeping the eyes and the heart open. It’s about paying attention and trusting your instincts. I wear my “eye” necklace a lot. Maybe it’s a symbol that keeps my head on straight. I recommend giving it a try!

Peace, Elisa