Hey, Stud! ;)

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are.”
-Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison was so poetic and, in his early years, such a STUD! I like what he said about being yourself. Not everyone has the freedom and confidence to be who they really are. I was raised to feel free to be myself, to state my beliefs, to go after my passions. As I’ve gotten older, I see how lucky I am to have parents that instilled this quality in me and also taught me to be a good person. I was very lucky to be taught to LIKE my voice, LIKE my choices, LIKE how I treat people, how I handle situations, and how I navigate through life.

I think this quote was one of Morrison’s best. He was an original and I think those who dare to be original are very inspiring.

On another note, enjoy some of my 18 karat gold “studs” above! They make fabulous holiday gifts!!!!

Peace, Elisa