Elisa’s Smile Solution

“Open your eyes, look within.  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”

-Bob Marley
I read two articles this morning at the gym: one about anxiety and depression in today’s “crazy” world and the other about people making a difference.  The articles were filled with scientific evidence, general information, diagrams, interviews with individuals, and various suggestions.
I enjoy reading about current health and community issues so I feel part of society.  However, something very simple came to my mind as I read these two articles: people should SMILE MORE!
Maybe my solution seems simple, but to me it is genius!!!  Smiles make most people feel pretty good.  Seriously, on days when things could feel better, try smiling at someone. They often smile back and it just feels sooooo nice!  And to apply my theory to the second article, showing love/compassion/kindness/goodness makes such a major difference in the world.  The more people who strive for happiness and just generally being nice to one another, the better the world will be.
I tried my smile theory throughout the day, and I feel like writing the magazine to tell them that in order to feel happy and make a difference in the world, the answer is quite easy…
Peace, Elisa