
Today is my birthday! Thank you to those of you who participated in my recent giveaway in honor of my fortieth.

As part of your entry, I asked you to include an inspiring word, mantra, story, or quote about turning forty. I loved reading all of the great responses! Thank you for sharing your stories regarding this milestone birthday. I wanted to share some of the words, mantras, stories, and quotes with you in hopes of spreading the wisdom! I am truly grateful for this community.

Check them out below!

Keep going, keep growing.

Be kind to yourself!

I’d say evolution! Every year brings wonderful evolving.

Be so happy that when other people look at you, they become happy too.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller

Be grateful! Nothing is perfect but there’s so much to be thankful for.

Learning that life is about memories. Family, friends, loved ones are truly the most valuable gifts!

40 is about forgetting what society said about what 40 is for a woman and is all about forging in your life what 40 is. As I get closer to 50 I owned and rocked my 40s. It’s been my best decade yet, full of learning and growth.

40s is the new 30s staying active and enjoying time with loved ones especially my babies.

Live life to the fullest because age is only a number.

Luck comes from hard work. It reminds me that I have control in the chaos!

“Life really does begin at 40, up until then you are just doing research.” -Carl Jung

Best things happen after the 40s!

I expected to feel old but no! 40 doesn’t feel very different (mentally) from 30 or even 20. My back might disagree a little though.

Seek YOUR peak!

We sink deeper into who we truly are, becoming more authentic and loving by the day.

Stick to your family always.

Every decade has been better than the ones before!

Life is tough, get a helmet.

After 40 years, life is just beginning.

Getting older is a privilege denied to many.

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.

Age is just a number, keep living your best life no matter what.

Carpe diem!

Mantra for 40 is kindness.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Gandhi

Per my nine year old, 40 is the new 20 mom!!!

I no longer look at other women with envy, but admiration and I have a deep appreciation that so many awesome women are in my life. I also have more energy and desire to raise younger women up so they can realize earlier how amazing they are.

Be brave is my constant mantra!

I seem to care less about what others think, maybe that just comes with age?!

My life motto has always been to keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds- meaning, stay humble and grounded in reality but keep the dreams alive.

Mantra for 40 is cherish.

“The best is yet to come.” -Frank Sinatra

It’s a decade of saying no and having no hard feelings about that. No is a full sentence!

I feel like you grow smart enough to know the flowers from the weeds and wise enough to enjoy the flowers and the care it takes!

An inspiring word for me to remember to slow down and bring myself into the moment- peace/peacefulness.

You don’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea.

Confidence is my word for the year! No more worrying about what other people think or trying to fit some mold that just doesn’t work for me. I dress how I want and decorate my home how I want. It feels freeing to stop trying to please everyone else!


“Life is short” has always helped me to recenter on what truly matters and to not sweat the small stuff. Gratitude every day to be alive!

Peace and love,