Top 10 Jewelry Moments of ’10

Rosecut diamonds “heart” ring

Moon necklace with rosecut diamonds, opals, and pearls

Ancient Athena intaglio ring with various diamond cuts

Newflower stud earrings with white diamonds, black diamonds, rubies, and blue sapphires

Ancient coral and turquoise inlaid bone bead and black diamond-studded sterling silver bead bracelet

Circle of life necklace with rosecut and champagne diamonds

Rosecut “chunky” diamond band ring

Heart halves necklace with blue sapphires, pink sapphires, and opals

Blackened sterling silver arrowhead necklace with unique diamond

Ancient bead and stone-studded bead bracelet


I wish you all the HAPPIEST New Year and I hope 2010 has brought you many wonderful memories! Thank you for supporting my true love and joy, my jewelry, this year. 🙂 Above are my top 10 favorites of 2010. I look forward to 2011 and will be bringing you several new, beautiful pieces in the coming twelve months!!!

Peace and love to all,