Thankful For Haves and Have Nots

“Buddy, for your own good you gotta let this go.”
-“Wedding Crashers”


I am sure you’re all busy prepping for Thanksgiving! I really enjoy this holiday. I love the tradition of coming together to cook delicious food, relax with family, watch football, reminisce about past holidays (and hear some stories about when I was little), and eat some incredible dishes!

A lot of families take a moment to reflect on what they are thankful for during this holiday. I think this is an important thing to do, and I am already beginning to gather my thoughts about the past year! I realize that I am thankful for all of the things I have gained this year, but in all honesty, also for some of the things I have lost. It is easy to appreciate the unmistakably good things that happen, but part of me is beginning to understand that even the things that initially seemed unfair and amiss had a purpose.

I hope you have a peaceful holiday!
🙂 Elisa

PS- Above, I posted some of the latest jewels I am super thankful for!!!