Take A Bite!

“I have to get inspired by something that touches my soul, or rocks my soul.”
-Steven Tyler

Hello and Happy Spring! 🙂

Each collection I create is inspired by something touching my heart and mind at the current time. My latest collection is inspired by the shark teeth I bought while on two weekend trips last summer.

I had some wonderful times being away from New York City last summer. I visited San Francisco, the Berkshires, the Poconos, Boston, Atlantic City, Cape Cod, among others, and I’m already getting excited for the coming season! I have been thinking about the special trips I took and the many great memories. They are bringing me much happiness and I decided why not make the shark teeth symbolize summer adventures and inspire this current collection!

Above is the first piece I created for the series and more items in both 18 karat gold and sterling silver will be posted soon!!!! Hope you’re having a lovely week!

Peace, Elisa